Buy, Sell and Trade

Want to place an ad?  Click here for information.

The HANS CHRISTIAN OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HCOA) provids web space on the Buy/Sell/Trade section of the HCOA Website as a benefit of HCOA membership.  The content of the ads is authored and submitted solely by the person(s) placing the advertisement on the web page.  HCOA neither endorses the content of posted ads, nor does it make any representations as to the accuracy thereof.  Potential buyers should always verify the accuracy of any information on the Buy/Sell/Trade section. When considerng the purchase of any boat the potential buyer should secure the services of a Licensed Marine Surveyor prior to purchase.  The purchase of any property on this site is strictly a transaction between buyer and seller and is not endorsed by HCOA.

Are you selling your Hans Christian?  Have some sails or gear that you want to get out of your garage?  Then post an ad here!  Current HCOA members can post a 150 word ad (including an external link if one is available) with one image (JPEG format) for FREE.  Ads will be run for 3 months, at which time members can renew at no charge.

Note: ONLY boats and boating related equipment will be considered for HCOA ads.

If you are not a member (and don't wish to become one at this time), you can still post an ad, but your submission will need to include a US $20 fee.


Because of spammers and virus problems you can no longer submit email to Sorry this is not going to change. Thanks for your understanding.

To place an ad you need to contact "Ads" using our contact form. If you have an image to be placed with your ad you may post it in the "Feedback and Help" section of the Message Board. Or make note of the image request in the contact form. You will be contacted for further details.








NEW North Sails bi-radial Cruising chute complete with Squeezer.
Luff 54ft Leach 49' 8" Foot 28' 7" 1177sq feet weight 1.5Us oz
Never been out of Bag!!


Contact Mike Coates - Jolly Swagman -